We are required to request your consent that we may hold, use and where appropriate share your data for the appropriate purposes as set out in our Privacy Policy Notice shown here:

Cheltenham Skittle League is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected and will only use your personal information for Skittle League purposes (sharing with Team Secretaries, and upon request from Cheltenham Skittle League teams).

In order for the league to ensure that all games, ( League - Charity Cup - Front Pin Tournament) together with Charity Cup Collections, Tea Party Collections, can take place during the relevant Season - Team Names, and information relating to Team Officers and players is held in paper form by the

Hon. Secretary, Cheltenham Skittle League, and is held online by both the

Hon. Secretary, Cheltenham Skittle League and

Hon. Assistant Secretary, Cheltenham Skittle League.

No personal contact data is published on the Cheltenham Skittle League Website or Facebook Page.

At the start of each Season paper contact sheets are issued on a Divisional basis, offering Team Contacts within that Division.

Requests for contacts from other teams may be shared via Messenger, Emails, Letters, but only for the sole purpose of ensuring that the Skittle Matches – League, Charity Cup Games and Front Pin Tournaments can take place.

NB Data in photographic form is shared on the Skittle League Website (Presentations, Tournaments etc.) given that the League likes to celebrate achievements and share these with other skittlers.

I confirm that I give my consent for Cheltenham Skittle League to hold my personal data, and that relating to my team, and to use it for the purposes stated above. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time, as long as it does not prevent Cheltenham Skittle League from operating effectively.

Signed: Title (Captain/Secretary)

First Name:……………………………………………Surname……………………………………………….